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Saturday, June 1, 2013

I'm home!

     Well, folks, I got home from Arkansas yesterday afternoon, and since there were so many tornado and storm warnings around here, I was watching that and trying to relax at the same time--which is not the best way to do it, considering the storms were insane and very worrisome. Any who, we're fine and you can't even tell it stormed here. Now, who wants to hear about Arkansas? If you're reading this, I guess you have no choice :)
    So, we went up to Arkansas last Saturday and two extra people were with us- my mom and my other friend's mom. And let me tell you, get our moms and my friend's mom and grandparents together,  and you never know the stories you'll hear, especially about yourself. They're just as bad as my two friends and myself, except that we don't tell stories about ourselves--usually. So the first day, we didn't do much. Just relaxed and had dinner at the condo. The next day we went to Dogwood Canyon, which is this amazing nature park and took some Senior pictures.
   Had we not stopped to take so many, we might've gotten to the end--it's three miles each way to a big waterfall--but we didn't. It made for some great pictures, but it was really hot and we were in jeans, so it was slightly less enjoyable. That day, my mom and my friend's mom went home. The next day, we went to downtown Eureka Springs and shopped and walked and walked some more. I got some purple hair dye, which is now in the ends of my hair and looks awesome!
   If you're keeping track, we're now onto Tuesday, when we drove around and took even more Senior pictures in fields, and by old trucks, which also resulted in bad allergies and bug bites. But hey, the pics are going to be super original, and some are so pretty, so it was worth it. Wednesday, we went to Silver Dollar City, which was fun, but also tiring, seeing as all I did was walk around. One of those days we also shopped in Branson, but I can't remember which day. Thursday we were going to go to White Water, but it was storming, so we went back to Branson and my friend got a tat and we shopped some more afterwards. I got henna, which unfortunately has completely faded.
    And then we came home yesterday. I realize that some of this doesn't sound very fun and that it's really rather boring to read, but hang in there, would you? Trips like this have been happening for years -minus the Senior pics of course- but this year is different, because who knows when we'll be able to do it again, what with college coming up and all? So yes, during this time it kept hitting me that it might be the last year, that we're graduating, and that I may not see these girls that much after graduation. But it also goes to show that no matter what we've been through or will go through in the future, we will always be there for each other. And that's something that I know won't change, no matter how old we get or how far apart we are, because we'll make it work. You can't be this close for this long, and throw it all away because you're moving away, going to college, meeting new people, and don't know when you'll see each other again. That's how I am with lots of people, though, not just them. So many of my friends are going in different directions, but we'll make it work. Some will still be in high school, but it'll last, if they're willing to work as much as I am to keep our friendships strong. Anyhow, thanks for listening.
                                 Ciao loves,

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