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Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Sorry it's been so long since I've checked in! Lots has been going on. specifically school stuff. Every other day, I have college classes for two hours, then two hours of high school. The other two days of the week, I just have the two hours of school. Although art is not one of my classes, the art teacher said I can hang out in there and use the materials anytime I want, which is cool, especially since I have some cool friends in there.
I've been spending a lot of time writing essays between scholarships, English IV and college Composition, and now I have to do one for Psychology. Somehow, this one seems to be the hardest, even though I just have to write about myself. I don't know why, but I can write more about my parents and my family's history than I  can about my dreams and future goals.
The seniors went to a college fair yesterday, but it was really small, and not nearly as exciting as I expected it to be. Though I DID get some free pens, so I guess that's good.
Uh...what else? It'll be eight months tomorrow since Grumpy (my grandpa) died, which seems surreal. What I wouldn't give to hug him and hear his voice one more time. To tell him that I'm majoring in Studio Art, partly because of his support my whole life of anything creative. How could I describe how much I miss him and his mom, who died 7 years ago? Where does the time go?
It seems like you never get to really know your classmates until you're a senior. And yes, I know I'm jumping around, but that's just how my brain works. It keeps hitting me that this is my last year with this group of people, which is scary, sad, and somehow exciting at the same time. Not because I don't like them, but because I like meeting new people and having new experiences. Hard to believe that after I walk down the gym, get my diploma, shake hands and hug teachers, and flip my tassel, this chapter of my life will officially be over. A new one will come, and I know I have more power to write it than ever before. I'm becoming who I'm gonna be. Not that I won't change. But nothing that I've been through has been a mistake. It's made me who I am. All the bad times, hard times, everything, has made me into the person- almost adult, yet still somehow childish- that I'm meant to be.
So go write your story, remember that you can change your own destiny, and live and love on.
 Ciao, loves

1 comment:

  1. Free pens make the world turn. And you need to change your bio.. It's outdated..
