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Monday, May 20, 2013

It's about time...

     You know how most people look forward to getting their license when they're 16? Yeah, I did. Like most people, I wanted to get my permit when I was of age and then my license on my 16th birthday. Did that happen? No, of course it didn't. Because I am now 17, about to be a senior in high school, and still have my parents carting me around like a little kid in a red wagon. (Literally, Mom's van is red.)
      This is obviously not by my choice, as I'm sure you have figured out. Yes, I bring it up often. Because you know what? It's ridiculous. Every time I bring it up, some sort of fight happens. All I hear is, "You're not ready yet" or "You still need to learn how to do this before you can take your test."
     Great. Fine. Then teach me already. You said it three months ago, and nothing happened. You said it today. Will anything come of it? There's always something. Some reason that it never happens. That I'm never taught the one thing I need to know for the test: Parallel Parking. It doesn't even look difficult, and I know with practice, I can get it down. Only I haven't had a chance because no one will attempt to teach me. What good does it do to say you're going to do something if it never even happens? I hate when promises get broken, when people say they'll do something and it doesn't ever happen.
        See, when my grandpa was still alive, (he died February 26th of this year and I miss him more than I could ever put into words) he'd always say that he'd let me drive his car around his town. I knew he was looking forward to seeing me get my license, because he was always pushing my mom to teach me more. But he died before that could happen. Anyways, I can't even drive my car, because as with everything else, someone else has stored their stuff in there. Technically, some of it is my stuff. However, when we went to Kansas on Saturday, the stuff got moved into my car. And let's not even get started on what's in the trunk other than to say only one thing back there is actually mine.  So now not only do I not get to drive my baby, but it's also storage.
       Okay, so sorry about all that. You agreed to hang along, right? Well, unfortunately, just like anyone else, I have my rants. And you are subjected to them. But if you stick with me through these, I promise there will be many more great things than rants. Thanks so much for lending an ear, or your eyes in this case.
       Ciao loves,

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