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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Praying for Moore, Oklahoma

     Okay guys, I know my previous posts have been somewhat silly and menial, but this one won't be. As someone who's lived in Oklahoma most of their life, this is very close to my heart. I know you've all heard of the disaster in Moore, Oklahoma and the surrounding towns. Several years ago, it happened in Missouri, and someone I know and love lost part of their house, saved only by hiding under a mattress in the bathroom. It took forever to find out if they were okay, but Praise God, they were. Sadly, many people weren't then and aren't now.
      Some of the cheerleaders from my school are hosting a drive to help victims of the Moore disaster, and I've never been so proud of them. If I can, I'll help them. I just wish I could go to Moore, and help search for people, dig through the rubble, and help make the victims a little bit more comforted. But, I don't think that's going to happen, no matter how much I wish it would. It's in disasters like these that we realize how unimportant material things really are.
    But when things like this happen, it never ceases to amaze me how so many people go to help, or donate, or do anything they can to help. It fills my heart to see so many people helping and praying for Oklahoma, the victims, and the rescuers. Yes, this is tornado season, and we're in tornado alley, but when something with this much destruction occurs, you can almost feel the whole country hurting, reaching out, and praying for everything to work out in the end.
     If you've been keeping up with the news at all, you'll know that many third graders and their teachers were hit, and many are still unaccounted for. I cannot imagine the terror of the parents and loved ones, both of the children and the teachers. There is so much rubble to go through, so many things to dig up, so many places to search, and so many scared, hurt people. If you can't tell yet, my heart is broken for these people, but also filled with joy that so many generous people are there to help. It's a confusing time for many, and I know if I were in that situation, I'd probably be more involved in my grief and despair than being grateful at the moment for everyone's help. So just remember, these people ARE grateful, no matter how they show it. But they're still in shock, and it's going to take a long time for them, Moore, surrounding towns, Oklahoma, and the nation as a whole to recover. Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, help, donations, and so much more that you have done. I'm so grateful to live in a nation where people look out for each other in times of trouble.

     Ciao loves,

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